The demos below have been superseded by the
, which are more up-to-date and complete
Index for JsRender and JsViews
JsRender: Demos
Step-by-step samples:
Inserting data values
Compiling named templates from strings
Rendering data values (with optional encoding) using {{: }} and {{> }}:
Conditional blocks using {{if}} and {{else}}
Looping through data using {{for}}
Template composition using {{for}} and {{include}}
Accessing paths
Custom tags
'Helper' functions
Comparison tests
Accessing parent data
Passing in context
Associating helpers with templates
JsRender without jQuery
Variants and details:
Samples: variants and details
Scenario examples:
'Default values' scenario
'Separators' scenario
'Iterating through fields' scenario
'Assigning variables' scenario
Array templates with headers and footers outside the repeated items